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The organization is held together by various activities that are customized and weaved to untangle the knots of conflict and restlessness that bind the human race such that it restricts their liberation.

कल्पयति येन वृत्तिं येन च लोके प्रशस्यते सद्भिः।
स गुणस्तेन च गुणिना रक्ष्यः संवर्धनीयश्च॥

kalpayati yena vṛttiṃ yena ca loke praśasyate sadbhiḥ।
sa guṇastena ca guṇinā rakṣyaḥ saṃvardhanīyaśca॥

The skill that sustains livelihood and which is praised by all
should be fostered and protected for your development.

- Hitopadesha 2.65

Project Name: Prakash

Focus Area: An art and culture educational workshop - Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Yoga.

Project Beneficiary: Underprivileged village slum children, specially abled children- physically and mentally challenged and visually impaired children and youth and sexually victimized children who have led traumatic lives. 

Purpose: To promote compassion and awareness by engaging children in creative activities like visual arts, yoga, music, and dance, enhancing both mental and physical health. Also, to spread awareness about mental health, environmental protection, and POCSO Act through campaigns and outreach.

Work Area: Jan Madhyam ngo Ayanagar Extension Village, Delhi, Baal Mitra Kendra, Sahibabad Village, Ghaziabad Village, Prabhat Orphanage, Greater Faridabad, Rashtriya Blind School and Training Centre run by Blind Welfare  Education Society, Najafgarh Village, Delhi. 


Sustainable Impact: Total 192 differently abled underprivileged village children and youth were directly benefited and approximately 500+ village people, family members and friends were indirectly benefited by this project.

Teaching Workshop in Schools, Colleges & Universities

Vision : Hosting open-air classes of Music, Dance, Theatre, and Visual Arts, outside of the four-walled restraint of any room to encourage learning outside the dreary rut of any constraint and allow the essence of nature to blend with that of music to offer exuberance in life.

A course that enables intimate customized grooming with respect to the distinctiveness of various individuals that in turn facilitates the process of reviving the long lost spirit of traditional schooling methodology in art and culture.
It includes holding open air classes outside the dreary rut of any four walled room that helps practitioners to gain strength from their ethics, culture, rituals and aspire to be performers.